Presenters Instructions
- Oral presenters
Oral presentations are presented in 5 plenary sessions and 6 parallel oral thematic sessions. The date and time of presentations is listed in the Oral Sessions Program section.
Loading presentations
Presenting authors should upload their presentation (in Powerpoint format) on site at the Technical Secretariat (Macedonia Hall), at least 2 hours prior to their scheduled oral session.
Audiovisual assistance
In each session room a computer monitor is available and one technician for any requested assistance with regards the provided audiovisual system.
- Poster presenters
Posters are presented in one Poster Session arranged based on the main scientific Topics and respective Subtopics of the Workshop.
Poster Presenters should be in the Poster area (Macedonia Hall) 30 minutes prior to the scheduled poster presentation time in order to mount their posters. In the Poster Help Desk presenters can find their panel number which are also available in the Poster Session Program section. Poster presenters will be responsible for removing their poster by the scheduled end time of poster session. Poster presenters are expected to be present at their Poster location for at least 1.5 hour, preferably including coffee break periods.
For each poster presentation 1 poster board 100 (width) x250 (height) cm will be available.