Before submitting an abstract, please enter the details of person performing the submission
Name: Surname: Affiliation: Email:
1. Enter the FULL TITLE of your abstract EXACTLY as it appears in your abstract Word file
2. Enter up to 4 keywords separated by commas
3. Attach your abstract in word format (.doc).Use the "Choose Abstract File" button to find it on your PC. It will be uploaded automatically
* Important Note: Your abstract should be prepared using the supplied template. Click here to download the abstract template.
4. Authors
5. Related nonthermal technology
Please select the nonthermal technology your abstract is referring to:
Select a nonthermal technology High Pressure (HP)Pulsed Electric Fields (PEF)UV, IR and Pulsed light (UV)Ultrasound (US)Cold Plasma (CP)Ozonation (OZ)Dense Phase Carbon Dioxide (CD)OTHER (OT)
6. Choose a topic which best describes your submission:
Choose a topic Current knowledge on the phenomena and mechanisms of the effect of nonthermal processes on biological, chemical and structural components of foodConverting of research results into practical solutions- emerging applications and commercial developmentParadigms of nonthermal technologies applications in markets: Successes and drawbacksFood safety and sustainability by application of nonthermal technologiesUse of nonthermal technologies for superior quality or novel food products of extended shelf-lifeImpact of nonthermal technologies on energy, water and waste reductionNon thermally treated food products for health and well-beingOTHER
7. Choose your preferred presentation method:
Poster Oral Either
Abstract submission deadline: 17 July, 2015 Early Bird registration: 31 October, 2015
National Technical University of Athens School of Chemical Engineering Laboratory of Food Chemistry and Technology